Instead, you can choose from a variety of other seeds and high-protein snacks to support your health. These nuts both fall into the “tree nut” category, which means that you should steer clear if you know that you are allergic to tree nuts. Tree Nut Allergies: One other factor that you need to consider is whether you have a walnut or cashew allergy.Cashews are higher in magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, and phosphorus. Walnuts are higher in many micronutrients such as vitamin E, omega-3’s, and manganese. It’s also important to look at micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals that you get when eating these nuts.

If you are looking for a nutrient-rich, heart-healthy snack, should you choose walnuts or cashews? Both of these nuts taste great, which is why many people like to evaluate the nutrition profile to determine the optimal ingredients to eat.